On March 20th, I received this Granny Email…
I just got back from a 2 week stay in Gaza!
We were an international presence who, after protesting overnight, succeeded in having the border opened. Some of the people we were with to get the Rafah Crossing open are organizing an ongoing international presence to open and keep open the Egyptian/Gaza border.
Please consider getting involved in a "Grannie presence" at the Rafah border.
More to follow.
Grannie hugs from Paki,
Western Massachusetts Gaggle
Gaza, the prison without a roof! Photo, Paki Wieland
Dear Paki,
I have a blog site and would be delighted to publish something about your recent visit to Gaza.
It has occurred to me that if we could put a Granny on every block in Gaza maybe these traumatic incursions would be less likely.
GrannyNel From Albuquerque Gaggle
Dear GrannyNel,
I love the idea of so many grannies stopping violence, in Gaza, or wherever we are! We have seen suffering, resilience and resistance! I am pursuaded that there will not be resolution to violence, injustice in the Palestinian lands, but we each do her part.
What I have come away with is a deep appreciation for the people of Palestine.
The Israelis want security and the Palestinians want justice. I do not believe they are mutually exclusive! The leaders on all sides need to be led by the people, they do not seem capable to think beyond the old programs of "us/them."
As grannies, we have a deeper wisdom; we know that all children are our children, our grandchildren. As members of the global community, we the people of the world may have to put ourselves in the way. I have a modest proposal, please circulate is, edit or do what you will if it resonates with you.
Thanks! Paki
A proposal—Drop “Terrorism”!
I have just returned from a very troubling visit to Gaza. Mental health reports suggest that 98% of the people are suffering greatly from the trauma of the recent war on them. There are many practical actions we can take on behalf of the suffering people of Gaza. However, I have another suggestion for peacemaking.
Lets drop the word “terrorist” from our discourse. It undermines the meaning of language, which is to communicate. “Terrorist” not only short cuts conversation but, unless we deconstruct the word, it is a block to understanding. And isn’t the purpose of conversation, to understand the other person and to make oneself understood?
"Terrorist” has become such a buzzword, with the underlying assumption that we know what each other means by the word. It seems to me that the label “terrorist” is applied by those in power, those who name, to those who are subjugated, the powerless.
As I scan the history of the U.S. in light of those who are currently called “enemy combatants,” I wonder about the people we today call Patriots. Many of them would meet the criteria for "enemy combatants:" insurgents. Many soldiers in the colonists war for independence from England did not wear uniforms, and were not regular army!
More recently, in Ireland, the Irish Republican Army was considered a “terrorist” organization. Today, Gerry Adams, a member of the political branch of the IRA, Sinn Fein, holds a government position. The Jewish freedom fighters in the 40’s were considered “terrorists.” They later became government leaders of the State of Israel. And so it goes, but this is more than an issue of semantics.
Today, knowing the history of the indigenous people of North and South America, of Africa, Australia, and Asia, I pray that we will learn from those crimes against humanity. In the ancient land of Palestine, the U.S, Israeli, and Palestinian governments have the opportunity to do what is right.
For the sake of our children and our children’s children, it is time to say goodbye to the discourse of modernity reflected in notions of hierarchy, the either/or, and to embrace the possibilities for us in our ever expanding universe.
What is our calling as humans if not to see all women and men as our sisters and brothers? And is not every child your child?
A small step for the human race is to clean up our language by not using the word, “terrorist!” Please give it a try.
Thanks, Paki Wieland
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4 years ago
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