Saturday, August 16, 2008

Three Blind Mice

(If you click on the Title, you will see an interesting Video of the Three Blind Mice as Safety Mice from 1945)

Last weekend I decided to treat myself to lunch out. I went to Winning Coffee Shop, near Central on Harvard here in Albuquerque. I frequent this place for the simple reason it reminds me of Berkeley coffee houses in the 1960's. The food is decent, sometimes even quite excellent, the prices are friendly and so is the company. And, it ain't Starbucks, there's nothing franchise about it.

As I was sitting and reading three middle aged men congregated at an adjacent table. Since I was a girl, when my sister and I used to practice this nefarious habit at fancy restaurants accompanying our parents, I have been an inveterate eavesdropper. These gents dismounted bicycles, garbed in spandex. They sat, removed headgear and foot gear, and took a breather in the shade of the umbrella near me. They got cold drinks. I was all ears.

I was especially attentive when they began talking finance. Just that very morning had been researching how to get a loan to cover putting solar production on my roof--a difficult accomplishment when living on disability. Course, it's equally difficult to imagine how I am going to power my life into the future without some sort of adjustment.

One of them talked about getting a good deal on a loan -- a rather sizable amount of money at 4% on just his signature. Then they all compared internet and cell phone services, at their multiple homes. All in all, I gathered they were "successful", fairly current, and just hip enough to be riding bikes instead of going to fat. I wondered just how smart they were?

As they got up to leave, putting on my mildest demeanor, I asked them a question. "I have been sitting here dying to ask you one question, if I may." They nodded consent. "It's rather obvious that you gentlemen have a comfortable economic life, unlike some of us, like myself, who live on stringent budgets and fixed incomes. In light of that, I was wondering, what do you see as the single most significant task that the next administration can undertake to improve the economy?"

Two of them checked out their fancy bike shoes, obviously a little flummoxed and chagrined. The third raised his hand, like in school, and said "Lower taxes?"

"Wow!" I replied. "That's really disappointing...and here I've been hoping that the 'smart money' would be on rapid energy conversion. I see that as essential to getting America back into production, to creating jobs, to saving the earth."

When I explained that I had spent the morning looking into the cost of putting solar panels on my roof, the one who had responded said, "I'd be careful with that, word is out that those systems may not last as long as they claim. It's more expensive than it seems."

"My niece and her husband have had solar panels on their rehabilitated ruin in the south of France for about twenty years now. I haven't heard them complain."

"Well, in Europe they may be doing a better job of manufacturing solar panels than here," he replied. "Europeans demand quality." (There must be something really wrong with us if we don't, I thought.)

"It just seems to me to be the most hopeful way to right our economy, not have to fight dismal and costly wars for petroleum for the rest of our lives, and, as a side benefit, save the earth.."

"That's why we ride bicycles," ventured another, lacing up his shoes for takeoff.

"Have a safe and pleasant day gentlemen!" I demurred. I wonder how they negotiate, being so blind??? I also wonder just how "lowering taxes" would benefit me, or 85% of the folks who patronize Winning for that matter??? I never felt bad about paying taxes when I was earning enough money to have it be a substantial issue. My only concern was how those monies were being spent.

Sheesh! Maybe Albuquerque is not as enlightened as I thought?

Meanwhile, I continue registering voters alongside my buddy, a fifty-eight year old woman of spunk who speaks Spanish and English with equal fluency and seems to know at least half of Albuquerque. She also speaks some Navaho, having grown up in Taos and Shiprock. She has two sons, one who is studying and working at the community college, the other who is in prison. Lives hand to mouth, works with a will and a friendliness that garners her three registrants to my one. Is studying Judaism (though raised Catholic) because she has recently discovered that her mother's family, who immigrated to New Mexico from Spain, were Sephardic Jews. She continues to revive my faith, not only in the value of our work, but in open minded humanity.

She disses tattoes, even though she admires some of them for their beauty, because to her they represent gang culture, and all the damage done. Yet, she engages with people of all stripes so naturally! She works to see changes happen in this land.

If she ruled the world there would be no "ObamaNation," no nervous nellies concerned about terrorists under the bed. Just people, trying to survive, helping others when they could, trying to "do the right thing." I salute her as I sit here at my desk, ruminating.

May she be the Farmer's Wife! Though, knowing her, she'd probably prefer they would just tuck their tails between their legs and get out of the way. Better yet, she'd sell them a solar system.

My eldest sister, who is 75, just completed a Swimming Master's Competition making her the fifth fastest competitor for her age group in the 200 meter swim in the Nation. Bravo! (I sure hope her aerobics will keep my heart pumping for a few more years! She's also my favorite writing consultant.)

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