I have my earth flag flying over my door. In 2002 on the 4th of July I flew an Irish, a French and an Earth Flag from my porch in Baltimore.
Its difficult to encompass the strange twists of events in this country since "911."
Patriotism has always been a difficult pill to swallow, and yet I consider myself firmly American. Not always proudly. All the best sources indicate more than one million Iraqi civilian deaths can be attributed to our war in Iraq. I am not proud to be identified with such indiscriminate slaughter.
People here in this country really went nuts over 911. Yet the 911 death toll was a drop in the bucket compared to the million who died in internecine power struggles in Nigeria between 1966-70. http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/warstat2.htm#Rwanda I have often wondered what makes American deaths so much more valued than those suffered in other lands, particularly non-European lands. That's a piece of patriotism I have serious trouble with.
Even when I was a kid, I felt conflicted at the Memorial Day parade. I didn't like the martial atmosphere then either, but the marching music was compelling. And all the people coming together to celebrate.
On 911, my main concern was to locate my daughter. She was working in an Egyptian-owned Subway in Baltimore where, since the month of Ramadan had just recently transpired, and the owners had broadcast Arabic music during the holy month. I had visions of some fool entering the store in a random fit of rage and letting loose with a semi-automatic. I was very relieved to find her safe.
We couldn't figure out what to do with ourselves, so we went to a mall and ate ice cream because that was the only place that was open. Surreal. We decided to give blood, so we went to the Red Cross and stood in the endless line of other folks who were at a loss as to what to do with themselves. The man just in front of us was trying to emulate Bruce Springsteen, bandana and bluejeans: muscled.
He looked at me and started muttering something about how "those moslems and their mosques better watch their backs." I responded very clearly and distinctly, hoping that others in the line would hear, "Sir, have you ever met a Moslem, or a person from the Middle East?" "No." "Well then," I replied, "let me introduce you to my daughter who was born in Egypt."
He turned his head away, paused for a moment to collect himself, and said, "Somedays I can be a real asshole, and this appears to be one of 'em." Then he shook my daughter's hand.
Yeah. I do enjoy seeing folks come together to celebrate. I am moved when they mourn together also. But when they decide to make enemies out of folks they don't know, wrap their fear up in hatred then shroud it in red, white and blue--then infringe on the very liberties that this country stands for--count me out.
The most patriotic action I took this year was wearing a chador at the gates of the Kirtland Air Force Base (here in Albuquerque) at a demonstration against the war in Iraq(Albuquerue Raging Grannies at City Council 9/17/07). The cops tried to tell me there was a law against covering my face in a protest. I held my ground and offered to show them my face and my ID to indicate that I was not hiding anything, but rather trying to "show" something. I was demonstrating my solidarity with the innocent victims of our foreign policy.
I ended up getting an apology from the Chief of Police.
Go figure!
P.S. My apologies for not properly crediting STOP THE WAR MACHINE and PETER NEILS for photographs on this piece earlier. I am still trying to figure how to blog...http://www.stopthewarmachine.org/events/pictures/15SEP2007/PeterNeils/index.htm
Are pesticides racist?
As a general rule, every environmental conflict has exploitation at its
4 years ago
Yes. yes, yes and yes Penelope!!!
You are so fast with the mind changers (re: the guy you introduced your daughter to) Clever and fast.
I'm with ya, glad to be here and hope to respond intelligently in the future.
Wow, I did a google on your name and your in Betty Liftons book about being adopted (what else).
The vidoe with Michael Moore the gay guys, pink bus and that Phelps horror was good!!!
Right now my website editor is on the blink. Argh.
Actually I want to bring up Tesla which has to do with the articles below about sustainable energy.
Tesla, the genius who gave birth to alternating current, said in a talk to electrical engineers in 1891: "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. …Throughout space there is energy.”
He has been a forgotten prophet and scientist but he is imerging as a hero once again to the scientists who are VERY FAST delevoping enery scource well beyond the limited scope of wind, water, grains/grasses and batteries. I bet there is going to be another "Silicon Valley" or even a private Manhatten project that will propell us into the future with the naysayers left behind in the dust.
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