For some years now I have been sending out high and low insights to friends via email.
So why switch to blogging?
Mostly cause I am just so angry about the monstrous gap between the view of the world I share with my friends and what I hear and see in the conventional media. I'm sorry, but I'm not the only one who is NOT interested in Brittany Spears and deeply concerned about our crumbling world.
Even The NewsHour on PBS treats energy conversion with disdain -- David Brooks of Brooks/Shields says:" We'll be able to see the oil derricks from the beachheads...But I agree. I think, you know, we all want some pure source of energy. That's great, but it is decades away."
No wonder people feel powerless. All the "experts" we hear on the conventional media seem to tell us there is no solution to climate change and the "energy crisis." Bullpucky!!!
No wonder most people simply don't bother to follow the news anymore. Part of the problem is that The NewsHour is sponsored by Chevron, but another part of the problem is that so much attention is focused on the status quo that we can't seem to get moving. Though there are certain signs that some things are changing, despite pundits and experts. A year ago, none of them would have pontificated that a black man, with a real live African father at that, would have a decent opportunity to be elected President of this country. Say what you will, and they do, about Obama's "move towards the middle," the success of his candidacy has forced him to be taken seriously, and truly upset expectations. I just hope his success isn't his downfall.
I'm surely not an expert on solar or wind power--nonetheless, I'm a believer. I think that with our current knowledge about using these resources we could effect a swift and relatively painless escape from our current triple threat (my own idea of an Axis of Evil): dwindling petroleum resources, global warming, and the seeming promise of endless wars to protect our lavish lifestyle. Don't give me that garbage about how it's too costly or will take decades to produce.
Our problem is simple, sort of. We merely lack the will. And we are stuck with media that is unable to help us move forward because it simply doesn't give credibility to energy conversion.
Maybe the problem parallels the problem with common sourced medical treatments vs pharmaceuticals. Maybe the solutions would spread out the market and shatter their throttle hold on our economy and our livelihoods. Maybe I would be a lost profit location if my house were solar powered and my car got plugged into the power I generated on my rooftop. Or maybe the execs at the oil companies and utilities are just so fat doing what they are doing that they lack the imagination to realize that they are human also -- and it will seriously take decades to migrate to another planet -- so they need to fire up market ready and affordable solutions to move out of the current technologies.
Maybe I could care less about the problems of corporate giants. I am sure they have the resources to find new ways to survive--if we ALL do.
But I am disgruntled to hear pundits say energy conversion will take decades. WE DON'T have DECADES. As a person who made my living when I was working in the computer trade, I know that fundamental techno change is awesomely feasible when the public is sold on the concept. I have seen quantum change in 8-10 years with the growth of the computer industry. And guess what? Not only is the technology dramatically more efficient than it was 15 years ago, it's cheaper.
There is no reason energy conversion couldn't take the same rapid path in development. Unless
some terrorists are sitting on our brain and our will. Unless the experts and pundits, along with the politicians are all "paid off?"
Presently, what we need is a new "consensus." I don't know if blogging will help to push our collective consciousness into a fresh wavelength-- but hey, what've I got to lose.
Are pesticides racist?
As a general rule, every environmental conflict has exploitation at its
4 years ago